Having just come out of the other side of a round with 'the-virus-that-shall-not-be-named' I thought it was a good time to revisit The King Brothers.
I had so much fun writing this series.
We've boxed it up for your reading pleasure:
And it's available in #KindleUnlimited
Readers said the nicest things about this series:
"A great story about the sacrifices made in the name of true love, and the mistakes made too, all in the context of risks and successes of new rockstar fame."
"I am falling in love with this series with the way I’m getting to see the inside of making a rock band from the ground up."
"The band has a rich history, and anyone reading the entire series will appreciate the cast of characters."
I was heavily swayed by my desire to build a band 'from the ground up' when I started out with Dylan King and his mates from Milford.
I had so much fun writing and publishing (on my blog) weekly episodes of this series. Readers got to vote on which way the story went next.
Some weeks it was a nail-biting exercise because I had to write WAY OUT of my comfort zone to take the story where my readers wanted it to go.
The result was a complex world and fascinating stories that included a cast of interesting characters. I so enjoyed watching the band mature. You never know, I might revisit some of those characters again...
In the meantime, please check out the box set here.
Love from the word mines,
Toni 💕